This page refers to an old version of Wave Power. A much improved version will be released in late 2025.
explained in the Features page, the type of document used by Wave Power is
called a chart, and the building blocks of a chart are called components. The screenshot above
an example of what Wave Power looks like when it is running a chart.
pale blue area is the chart area. As you can see, this looks like
a sort of block diagram. The images, which are connected by black
lines in the chart area, represent a group of connected components,
in which the outputs of some of the components are connected to
the inputs of other components. You can add a component to a chart by dragging an
image from the component panel (the row of images above the chart
area) and dropping it onto the chart area. You can connect two components
together by dragging the mouse from one to the other. The components contained
in this chart are two Signal Generators, a Balance and a Loudspeaker
component, represented by the two red images and the blue and green
images respectively. The outputs of the two Signal Generators are
connected to the Balance component's inputs (left and right channels),
and the Balance's outputs are connected to the inputs of a Loudspeaker
component. As a result two tones of different frequencies and different
levels can be heard from the left and right loudspeakers connected
to your PC. You can adjust, in real time, the frequencies of
the tones and the balance level by using the appropriate controls
in the dialog boxes (shown above at the right hand side of the chart
area). These dialog boxes also contain other controls which can
be used to adjust other settings of the components. The blue circle at
the input of the Loudspeaker component indicates that the frequency
spectrum and waveform of the signal at that point are being displayed
in the graphs (the two pale yellow areas at the bottom of the screenshot).